Mullvad Browser

Mullvad Browser is Tor Browser without the Tor Network - that allows anyone to take advantage of all the privacy features Tor created. If people want to connect the browser with a VPN they trust, they can easily do so.

The browser's 'out-of-the-box' configurations and settings will mask many parameters and features commonly used to extract information from a person's device, including fonts, rendered content, and several hardware APIs. By default, Mullvad Browser has private mode enabled, blocks third-party trackers and cookies.

The browser is free and open-source and was developed by the Tor Project in collaboration with Mullvad VPN. It is distributed by Mullvad and can be downloaded on their website.

Mullvad Browser is free and open-source software that connects to the internet (if you use it together with Mullvad VPN) through the encrypted VPN tunnels and VPN servers of Mullvad. You can use it without or with any VPN, but you should make sure to use a VPN provider you can trust. Aside from the way that both browsers connect users to the internet (Tor network vs trusted VPN connection) the differences between both browsers are very small and come down to individual preference and use cases for the end-user.

As a benefit of connecting to the internet using the Tor network, various Tor specific features are closely integrated with our own browser that Mullvad Browser does not offer, including:

  • Circuit isolation and the integration with new-identity
  • Access to Onion Services (i.e. onionsites, Onion-Location redirects, onion authentication, and SecureDrop integration)
  • Built-in censorship circumvention with a unique UX found in Tor Browser's connection settings and connection assist

Our objective with this collaboration is to provide more choice for online privacy (e.g., minimize fingerprinting and try to prevent linkability) to users at all levels.

You should use Mullvad Browser if you are looking for a privacy enhanced browser solution to connect with your trusted VPN. Its default settings and features are intended to combat mass surveillance, data mining and tracking, or other privacy violations that are commonly employed by big tech companies.

While Mullvad Browser offers similar privacy protections to Tor Browser, it is best suited for the threat model of corporate mass-surveillance by big tech companies.

Unlike other browsers on the market, Mullvad Browser's business model does not rely on capitalizing on users' behavioral data. Mullvad makes money by selling their VPN, they are not in the business of selling user data from the browser.

Mullvad Browser was developed by the Tor Project who have a proven track record of building and deploying free and open-source privacy preserving technologies such as Tor Browser, Onion Services, the Tor network etc. that have helped millions of people from at-risk communities defend their right to privacy and anonymity online.

Mullvad has been part of the Tor community for many years now. They are a Shallot Level member (highest membership tier) of the Tor Project membership program and have been a founding member of the Tor Project's Membership Program.

When Mullvad approached us to jointly develop a browser, we said yes because there is great value alignment between our two organizations in our efforts to make privacy-enhancing technologies more widely available and make mass-surveillance impractical.

Mullvad Browser fills a gap in the market for those who want to run a privacy-focused browser as good as Tor Browser but with a trusted VPN instead of the Tor Network. This partnership contributes to providing people with more free privacy options for web browsing while challenging the current business model of exploiting people's data. It demonstrates that it is possible to develop free technology solutions that prioritize the protection of user privacy. Mullvad shares the same values around internet privacy and freedom and is dedicated to making privacy-enhancing technologies more widely available and rendering mass-surveillance impractical.

This joint project with Mullvad has contributed to addressing legacy code issues for Tor Browser and allowed the allocation of dedicated resources to make necessary improvements that benefit both Tor and Mullvad Browsers. Over the last couple of years, the Tor Project has launched a number of initiatives to increase adoption of our technologies and made significant improvements to the usability of our own products.

No, Tor Browser è qui per rimanere. Sappiamo che milioni di utenti in tutto il mondo fanno affidamento su Tor Browser e altre soluzioni offerte dal progetto Tor per connettersi in sicurezza a Internet, navigare anonimamente online e superare la censura. Pertanto, Tor Browser continuerà ad esistere. Ci sono molte ragioni per continuare a mantenere e migliorare Tor Browser, poiché è ancora una delle poche soluzioni che fornisce anonimato online grazie al suo utilizzo della rete Tor. Questa combinazione è potente e a volte una delle poche opzioni che gli utenti censurati e sorvegliati hanno nella loro regione per accedere liberamente e in sicurezza a Internet. Questa è anche una soluzione gratuita per tutti, rendendola un'opzione accessibile per le persone a rischio.

Lo sviluppo di Mullvad Browser contribuirà effettivamente a rendere Tor Browser più forte, poiché ci permette di continuare a risolvere problemi di codice legacy e a correggere vulnerabilità.

Per nulla, continuiamo a investire nel migliorare l'usabilità di Tor Browser, come abbiamo fatto negli ultimi 5 anni con rilasci principali che hanno incluso miglioramenti dell'esperienza utente. Stiamo anche lavorando duramente per portare Tor Browser per Android allo stesso livello delle funzionalità della versione desktop.

Lo sviluppo di Mullvad Browser ci ha aiutato a risolvere problemi di codice legacy e a correggere vulnerabilità. Non ha influenzato la nostra attenzione e dedizione a Tor Browser.

Two years ago we started a project to bring a VPN-like app that connects to the Tor network for Android users. We know that many of the sites and services a user connects to via browser on desktop become an app when they are using the internet on mobile. Per noi è importante affrontare questo caso d'uso, poiché la maggior parte delle persone nel mondo utilizza solo un dispositivo mobile per connettersi a Internet, in particolare quelle del Sud del mondo e in situazioni a rischio. Offering a browser that connects to the internet with a trusted VPN as opposed to the Tor network is an important step in offering more alternatives when it comes to free privacy-focused browsers and can benefit Tor Browser in the future when our 'VPN-like' app has launched.

Sì, ecco l'elenco completo delle richieste effettuate da Mullvad Browser per impostazione predefinita:

  • Aggiornamento del browser (Mullvad)
  • Aggiornamento dell'estensione del browser Mullvad (Mullvad)
  • Mullvad DoH (Mullvad)
  • Aggiornamento NoScript/Ublock Origin (Mozilla)
  • Aggiornamento dei certificati e domini (Mozilla)
  • Aggiornamento delle liste dei filtri Ublock Origin (varie liste)