Tor has implemented exit policies. Fiecare releu Tor are o politică de ieșire care specifică ce fel de conexiuni de ieșire sunt permise sau refuzate din acel releu. Astfel fiecare releu poate decide serviciile, gazdele și rețelele pe care dorește să le permită conexiunile, pe baza potențialului de abuz și a propriei situații. We also have a dedicated team, Network Health, to investigate bad relay behavior and kick them out of the network.

It is important to note that while we can combat some type of abuse like bad relays in our network, we can't see or manage what users do on the network and that is by design. This design overwhelmingly allows for beneficial uses by providing human rights activists, journalists, domestic violence survivors, whistleblowers, law enforcement officers, and many others with as much privacy and anonymity as possible. Learn more about our users and Tor's beneficial use cases here.